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Round Ten: Manny Pacquiao vs Erik Morales Mailbag!
Kimo Morrison - 2/22/2005
Welcome to Round Ten of the Manny Pacquiao vs Erik Morales Mailbag. Look for our Manny Pac Training Video to drop this week!!
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six
Round Seven
Round Eight
Round Nine
I would like to know who will be the undercard fighter for
this fight, Pacqiuao-Morales. How much money will both fighter will make for this
fight. Win or lose?
Kimo Morrison:
Undercard is ................... a secret...........and both fighters will walk with 7 digits in their hand
How about your personal choice? Who do you root for?
Kimo Morrison:
Manny for his attitude and fear nothing mentality
I really think Manny is going to knock Eric out. From what
we've seen, the only way to beat Manny is to counterpuch while circling to avoid
his left, and that only works if Manny is in pure head hunting mode, like he was
against JMM. In any event, Eric won't do that, so he's going to get knocked
the !@#$$ out!
Kimo Morrison:
Right on the Money!
It's difficult to predict who'll win the fight but I think if
MP will stick w/ his game plan (+ use his jab frequently & body punch),he
has a big chance of an upset.I know EM is a good fighter but since he increased
his wt.,he's slower.MP should take advantage of that.I just hope MP can
adjust w/ his new wt. & keep his speed & footwork.I'm sure the fans (both
MP & EM) will enjoy & deserve to watch this fight.I can't wait to
see this fight.I hope the promoters will continue to give us a good match up
this yr & not rubbish match ups. Goodluck!!!!!!
Kimo Morrison:
If the promoters had anything to do with this fight I would be suprised! Cause they just can't get good shit like this put together.
I hate murad and companny for giving manny a nonsense fight
against morales. who is this insect named erik against pacman? that's a big
insult to filipino people. they say its probably fight of the year? oh cmon,
crazy people ... The best fight of the year will only happen if tyson will be
fightng pacman. Come to think of it. Ask the mexican people and they will surely agree.
Kimo Morrison:
I think the Mexicans would tell say "Chinga tu Madre" and Tyson would knock Pac-Man to Thailand if that were to ever happen.
I think if the game will reach the end of round 12 and neither
boxers can knock out the other, Morales has a great chance of winning because
of his ability to box in crucial situations...but i still go for manny by KO
Kimo Morrison:
If it goes to the judges Erik wins a landslide victory!
Jon Ambas:
Manny must never underestimate Morales' power. Manny maybe
knocking guys out but Morales is a durable, tried and tested warrior. I'm a 100%
Pacman fan no doubt but facing a boxer of Erik's caliber must always be taken
into consideration. Thank you for a quick reply Kimo more power to you!
Kimo Morrison:
Too under estimate a true Champion such as Morales would be certain death to Pac-Man
Enrico Boxer:
The way I suspect it, Manny's speed and power will be his
right tools in order to bring home the bacon come fight night. I believe that it's
going to be a one-sided fight as of the fight with Barrera. Let's say that Erik
also has tremendous skills and punching power, but using it against someone who
is capable of taking a punch and hits harder and faster, Morales is in for
a rude awakening. As many people say, SPEED IS POWER. Should Manny win this
one, it might be over for Erik's career.
Kimo Morrison:
Not if Erik doesn't want it too be...there are many fights out there for him that could be both lucrative and exciting. He has many fights left in him should he stay in the game win or lose.
I'm a Filipino and a Pacman fan of course. I am of the
opinion that among MAB, EM and JMM, the latter's counterpunching style is the most
problematic for Pacman. Is there a chance of EM converting to a
counterpuncher in JMM's mold, at least partly during the fight with Pacman? If he can,
would he be as effective as JMM?
Kimo Morrison:
Yes it would be. And if Erik should happen to take this approach and STICK with it, could be a long boring frustrating fight for Pac and fans.
domingo espineli:
I could see that eric will not fight toe to toe with manny for
obvious reason that he might not withstand manny's devastating power. do you
think manny has a solution to erik fighting him just to win on points?
Kimo Morrison:
No I do not, and if that should be the case it spells trouble but we all know that won't happen...
pacman's camp admitted it was a blessing in disguise, marquez
for whatever reasons turned down the pacquiao fight. now that pac is
fighting morales, he will have more time to train. for pacquiao, i believe,
conditioning is the key to this fight. his speed and power will always be there. but
if he doesn't come to the fight in the same shape as he did against marco, i
think morales will pick him apart. for morales, i think, he should never make
the mistake, he always does. he tends to slug it out when he gets hit,
throwingaway every advantage he has a skillful boxer. if he opts to go to war
against pacman, i believe he will be gobbled up.
marc apollo
Kimo Morrison:
The problem is he WILL MAKE THAT MISTAKE! I am willing to bet Isaac Barrio's life on it! He is like a drug addict! He can NOT SAY NO! to war...
El Terrible is the superior technical boxer and the better
all-around fighter, but after seeing him in a lot of fights from Ayala,
McCullough, Barrera, Chi to Chavez and Famoso - I'v noticed that he can't really
stick to the sweet science the whole fight. He just throws it out of the window
and gets drawn into a brawl most of the time. My questions are :
#1-Will he box this time? 'Cuz I reckon he'll take advantage of his
size & longer reach. Use his jab more, taking potshots at Pac, move a lot,
keeping Pac at a safe distance where he can effectively unleash his rocket of a
right hand. #2-If you say yes to #1, what does Pac have to do in order to beat this
strategy? #3-If Pac tries to pressure him and draws him into a phone booth fight,
will Erik's dreaded uppercut be the deciding factor? These are just some questions running in my head. I'll appreciate your
response. Thanks.
Kimo Morrison:
Yes he will box, for a while, and Pac must by pass this by CONSTANT pressure to appy the "Flip Smack Patty Wack" that will piss ol Erik off and force him to retaliate then Erik will slow down as he ALWAYS does and when he does, that is when to really turn it on. If it is in a phone booth, it will be a mobil phone booth cause Manny never stops coming at you and with that said Erik can only land his devistating uppercut by making a quick 2 step drop and stop planting as he throws a punch that is more timing Pac than countering him. Timing a bobble head doll is very hard though! No offence with the "flip" deal, just sounded funny, you can call me some ugly Hawaiian slang derogatory name if you ever see me... then run like hell! LOL thanks bro!
JQ Dumandan:
I like morales and pacquiao. the 1 thing i hate most is why
many people say that Juan Manuel Marquez is better than Pacquiao? i dont get it.
they had a draw on their last bout but you see, JMM got knocked down many times.
did JMM knock pacuiao down?
Kimo Morrison:
I agree, I think JMM lost that fight...PERIOD!
I dont think the aging morales can go face on with the pacman,
its either he hit and run or stay down when he gets hit by the devastating
pacman power punch... marquez c'mmon you always have a reason not to fight
pacman, owww.
Kimo Morrison:
I would love to see Marquez and Manny fight....Rafeal Marquez that is! What a KO fest that would be huh? at lets say 122...I would take lil Raffi to come out victorious in that one folks! Lets start another mail bag to hear what you have to say about that one!
as I see it. This fight might be more explosive than the
barrera, morales fights because this 2 fighters need this win very badly to
establish their greatness as a pound for pound fighter plus the fact that this 2
warrior has a big heart.. I only worry about the wear and tear factor of El
terrible this might affect the outcome of the bout. but for sure as we all know
EM will be devastating than ever come fightnight... good luck to both fighters
I'm for PACMAN
Kimo Morrison:
Erik will come in better shape than he did against MAB as he will not make the same mistake, he will be both more conditioned and faster on his feet, but I still don't think his hands will be any more fast than they were nor will they have the sting they used to carry.
If you were Erik Morales, what would you be thinking right at
this moment??? LOL!
Kimo Morrison:
Erik Morales's thoughts by Kimo Morrison..."He's yellow like pack man, he only moves foreward like pac-man, he has a big mouth like pac-man, if I turn blue from running too much he will eat me like pac-man.........is that why they call him PAC-MAN?"
The super fight of the decade is coming !
Only one will prevail. I think Manny has the big chances of winning via
knockout. By reviewing their last 5 bouts, Manny had much impressive
wins than Eric due to the fact that he is more stronger and quicker. We cannot
question their hearts, both have the strong will to win. By the way, who of
these two great fighters have the brain? Judging on the way how they talk in
front of the camera, Manny displays superiority than Eric,and when they are inside
the ring of course both have an excellent ratings. That is why on March 19, Eric
would do a lot of evading tactics which inludes running sideways and
backtracking to avoid the devastating power punch of Manny. It will be very exciting to
see if Eric would fight toe to toe with Manny. Eric will likely choose to
fight in a distant range style which would result to boredom of boxing fanatics. I
would rather like to see Eric beimg a fighter not a runner.
Kimo Morrison:
He will fight don't worry
vincent tanglao:
Good PM sir, I just had this feeling that eric morales might
just do "run box and run again" fight against manny pacquio because
he cant slug toe toe against the Filipino fighter.... and this will become a
boring fight.... Can i have your thoughts on this? ty
Kimo Morrison:
I do agree that Erik has the skill and experience in this
bout. However, we have all seen the power and speed that Pacman showed
against the likes of Barrera and Marquez. I believe that Pacman has the edge in
this fight and will be able to knock-out Morales within 8 rounds. I am pro-Manny
but I also like Morales having seen him give it his all in his every fight.
Both these guys are warrior and are equal in the heart department. What I am
sure of is we fans are in for a treat come 19 March!
Kimo Morrison:
Good word man, Good word!
I think erik will kiss the canvass!!!!reffering all the the
past fight of manny.i think the only chance of morales is in points, but can he
run until 12th round ends?...and pacman also has a chance in points so 50/50 for
both of them.....GO!!!!MANNY!!!!
Kimo Morrison:
Pacs only prayer for winning on points is if he knocks Erik down at least twice in the fight maybe 3 times.
Hi sir. I'm from the Philippines and a Pacquiao supporter. A
lot of people sees it Pacquiao dominating the fight (they base on the Barrera
fight)which I don't. What I'm sure about this fight is.. it will be the first
fight Morales won't start slow. It will be a great one! Thanks!
Kimo Morrison:
It will be a fight and I am sick of people basing it off of the MAB fight too. MAB and Erik are different men, and therefore will fight differently when pressured into a fight.
hermes b. dagaas:
Having seen many of EM's fight as well as our very own
Pacman's, I think I can look forward to a most exciting boxing match in my life.
So personally I believe it can go either way. If Pacman will manage to
land his killer punch like he did to 3K Battery, then he will have it. But given
the height and reach advantage Of EM I know it wont be that easy for Pacman
to do that. And I think EM and his team is aware of this and they will make
use of its full advantage by ordering EM to use frequently his jab and
followed with right cross. On the otherhand Manny will do everything to get close to
EM and set up his right hook and followed by his left uppercut. But I think
Pacman will prevail in the end.
Kimo Morrison:
That's it biatch!
Send in Your Manny Pacquiao VS Erik Morales Questions! Isaac Barrio or Kimo Morrison "The Unprofessional Guy" will Answer them in a MailBag.
Make sure to also Vote in our Poll!
