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Round Seven: Manny Pacquiao vs Erik Morales Mailbag!
Isaac Barrio - 2-11-2005
Welcome to Round Seven of the Manny Pacquiao vs Erik Morales Mailbag.
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six
Hi Isaac be ready to jump at the window.
because anything can happen anytime....
I have read that Mr. Barrio would jump out a ten storey building if EM will be KOd in the early round. Is he serious? What if MP did KO EM in the early round? Is he 100% sure it will not happen? I think, even if the possibility of EM being KOd in the early round is only less than 1%, it is still possible. We don't want to see a body flying out a window after the fight do we? Common sir... bet anything but your life... Thanks
...plus many more...
Isaac Barrio:
Sarcasm: A mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language.
Sorry to the many fanatics that emailed in. I won't be jumping out of any windows...I prefer the method of dumping a toaster into my bath.
Dave del Mar:
As an avid boxing fan, I am quite excited about this year. With Manny fighting Erik next month and the possibility of either the winner or loser going back to fight Barrera and/or Marquez. Such exciting fights on the horizon, at least the latest the part of this year.
Do you think I am a little too much of a fanatic since I can't sleep well at night thinking about these upcoming and exciting fights?
Isaac Barrio:
No. Your just Hardcore and you have found the right Boxing website! We have some great fights to look foward to. Boxing is returning to glory.
Everett Briggs:
Pac Man is going to get the chicken adobo knocked out of him. I hope the fans don't get to upset when they see Manny knocked out early...
Isaac Barrio:
Anything is possible, including Morales getting KO'd early. Believe it or not, Erik might try to make this a inside fight. Working the body,utilizing his uppercut, and getting a little down and dirty.
Who will judge this fight? I am a Pacquiao fan but i also respect Morales. I just hope that the judges wont be a factor in this fight.
Isaac Barrio:
I'm not 100% sure on the judges for the fight. It should be a team that has a lot of big fight experience. As for the judges being a factor, I have seen more then a few horrible decisions..so yes it can happen. Hopefully it won't!
Who do you think is more tough to be Manny's opponent? Marquez or Morales?
Isaac Barrio:
Marquez is a great boxer but Morales is a great Warrior. Morales is tougher, meaner, and has more experience. Morales will be Manny's toughest fight to date. Expect Fireworks!!
Do you think manny pacquiao's managerial change is good???
Isaac Barrio:
Honestly, No! Why fix something that isn't broken? Changes such as this can cause negative outcomes.
jam gutz:
Do you think just being aggresive would be the key to a PAC win? I know EM is a brilliant fighter, not only that he is balanced fighter in a way that he has a good sense of timing,power and best of all WITS to beat PAC. i also know that PAC punches hard, and when he does, his opponent FEELS it...A LOT!!! so what do you think is the edge of each fighter, other than what i have mentioned, to beat the opposition?
Isaac Barrio:
Manny has the edge is speed and age. Manny might have a very slight, and I mean very slight, edge in power. Erik is taller which gives him the natural reach advantage. And of course, Erik has more experience.
Manny needs to do more then just be aggressive. If you look for and expect a KO then chances are it won't come. I can sit at a poker table all day and not see Pocket Ace's, if I waited for it to happen then I would lose every hand..same with Manny, he will lose rounds waiting for the KO. Manny must work the body and throw combinations. Manny must also watch his balance when punching because Morales will be waiting to time and land a perfect uppercut.
Fidel A. Seracarpio:
I think Pacman will knock Morales out in the six round. He has the power and speed and he is younger and don't forget he being a southpaw is really destructive to Morales. I've been following Morales fight since his youth, I think his no match against Pacman figthing skill.
Isaac Barrio:
Can I borrow your crystal ball? If you are so sure then I suggest you sell the wife and kids and make a big bet.
manny fan:
manny is a good fighter..just like other filipino boxers..if he will win this fight im sure he would become legend since nobody can beat him anymore.
Isaac Barrio:
Roy Jones Jr.
Not really, I'm sure Manny will always be a legend for the Filipino people. He is a great one..but by no means is he unbeatable.
i have seen joan guzman, aka little tyson fight, he looks impressive with most fights, very good fight record to boast. however, do u think he can mix it up with the best in this division, if moves up weight like pacquiao and morales? hes got a hard punch, alas the alias, whats ur opinion kimo?
Isaac Barrio:
I think Joan Guzman can be a good champion. However, I think he needs more fights under his belt before taking on the likes of Pac Man, Morales, MAB, or Marquez.
owen santos:
Among the 3 Mexican, Marquez, Morales and Barrera. Who do you think is the next salvador sanchez?
Isaac Barrio:
None. Erik might be the closest. Erik's only losses are to Marco Antonio Barrera, and many feel that Erik actually should be 2-1 with Barrera.
Too many people think MP will blast out EM because of EM`s gappy defence but they overlook the probable fact that EM is 1 of thee most gutsy, tough, talented, technical boxers to EVER perform 135 & below.... Erik`s only flaw is that he will go to war when there is no need... but vs Pac... Erik WILL stick to his strengths.... BOXING.
MORALES WILL WIN THIS FIGHT... His will power is phenomenal.
Isaac Barrio:
You make some great points. I as well can't count Morales out. I very much think that Morales can land some good uppercuts on Manny. Erik has a great chance at winning this fight.
I noticed that when Pacman is backtracking, that is when he usually gets hit. Although lately, he could take the solid punches he receives. All of Marquez' power punches had little or no effect at all on him. We all know that whoever gets the receiving end of Marquez' mitts,always ends up sitting on his pants. Does that mean that Morales has to fight him toe to toe once in a while just to back him up and keep him thinking and guessing instead of attacking? More POWER!!!
Isaac Barrio:
First, Great observations. You pinned down one of Manny's weakness. Second, Morales punches harder then Marquez..At least I think so. Third, Morales will go to war with Manny in certain spots..in certain spots Erik will fight inside ,work the body, tie up, and try and land uppercuts. Last, Manny better be working on his body positioning after he punches because if Erik catches Manny leaning back then it very well might be lights out.
Send in Your Manny Pacquiao VS Erik Morales Questions! Isaac Barrio or Kimo Morrison "The Unprofessional Guy" will Answer them in a MailBag.
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