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Boxing and Cancer Awareness At The Center Of Inspirational Movie

Award Winning Writer And Filmmaker Has Written Script That Has Hollywood Buzzing

Philadelphia, PA – Philadelphia, PA - Jillian “The Jaguar” Bullock, who is an award winning filmmaker, fight choreographer, and journalist has written a searing and brilliant script that has Hollywood buzzing. The Champion Inside focuses on a professional female boxer, who must retire after she is diagnosed with breast cancer. Her return to boxing, five years later, is complicated by her age; she’s 39, and her fear of stepping back into the ring.

Bullock was inspired to write the screenplay after she fought her own battle with cancer a few years ago. Bullock, who was already a black belt in martial arts before she got sick, added wrestling and boxing to her training after she recovered.

What makes The Champion Inside different from other boxing films is the message behind the story. Not only does the script shed light and more awareness on the devastating effects of a deadly disease, but Bullock also highlights the pros and cons of female boxers and the challenges they face in a male dominated sport.

Bullock’s script has garnished much attention from Hollywood, where she has been offered big bucks for the rights to the story. Being that the story is very personal for Bullock, it is understandable why she refused all offers and decided to be one of the producers on the film. But surprisingly, the thought of playing the leading female never crossed Bullock’s mind.

“I had planned to cast an actress and teach her to box for the film, like Hillary Swank did for Million Dollar Baby. However, the director (Steven Gladstone) suggested I play the lead instead,” Bullock says. “Steve said ‘this is your story. You already know how to fight and how to act. It would make more sense and the film would have more conviction,’” Bullock remarks.“So, I agreed.”

Due to the unique subject matter – boxing and cancer - Bullock’s story is already gathering a great deal of support from various organizations, and the sports and entertainment community. Some of the people already involved include Gleason’s Gym in New York, who trained Hillary Swank for Million Dollar Baby. The same guys will also train Jillian for the film. Also, the IFBA (International Female Boxing Association) will extend their services to The Champion Inside. Professional boxers, past and present, will have acting roles in the film.

And if wearing the hats of writer, producer, and actor isn’t enough, Bullock is also busy in her mission to raise $2 million to be divided between various cancer charities including, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, The Lance Armstrong Foundation, The American Cancer Society, and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation. To support Jillian in her efforts, Jaguar Productions has launched “The Champion Inside” T-shirts this month. 10% of T-shirt sales will be donated to the above charities. Bullock will also compete in several fitness and sporting events to raise money for the above mentioned organizations.

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