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2MannyPacMoralesFight (20K) Electricity Like No Other: Part II

John Chavez - 3/25/2005

So as I stated in part I of this drunken tirade that I was surprised at how loud the Pacman crowd was when their warrior came out to "Eye of the Tiger". I thought that the Morales fans might potentially be out-shined in this one. But there went that classic sound of the Mexican Banda music. I swear that I felt as though the roof of the Arena was going to pop right off. Right then and there I knew that this was the reason that I came to Sin City. There's only so much juice and energy that you can get from the TV set. Don't get me wrong, watching a fight on television has the benefits of replay and commentary as well as detailed camera angles, but this event had to be seen live and in person. Mexican flags were being waved EVERYWHERE.

The buzz dropped off half a decibel as Michael Buffer made the fighter's introductions, but once again with both sides cheering throughout his patented ,"Let's get ready to rumble!!!" the crowd broke into a frenzy that I'll never forget. Each second that passed from that point on until the first bell rang felt like an eternity. Every single person in the arena was completely captivated by these two 130 pound warriors.

All questions would be answered whether El Terrible could handle the Filipino's hard lefts and whether he would box a disciplined match. The bell sounds and it's on and CRACKIN!!! Both fighters come out sizing each other up. I won't go into detail about the fight since there are numerous other more sober, coherent first hand accounts that I'm sure you readers have read, but what happened next really set the tone for the fight. Pacman did his usual strong 1-2 combo and the Pacman crowd went crazy expecting Morales to burst on impact, but that didn't happen. All it did was piss the little Mexican off.

I had predicted before the fight that I didn't think that the same shots that put Marquez down would have floored Morales. I was correct. Damn it feels good to be me. In any case, Morales takes the shots and comes back with a furious combo of his own. In my eyes, that was the story of the fight, Pacquiao getting off first and Erik retaliating with even more fury. The thing that captivated me as a fan was the fury and intensity you could see both guys attacking with. They were both going for blood. Surprisingly enough, although the crowd was divided evenly and there was a fair amount of tension in the air, no fights or skirmishes broke out. I think it had to do with the respect that both sides had for their warriors and that nobody wanted to detract from the action taking place in the ring. A lot of respect was going around on both sides.

By the 12th round, it was unanimous among the crowd on hand that Erik had the fight more or less in the bag but the warrior in him wanted to close the show. Even though he lost the last round, he showed what a crazy warrior he is. Pacquiao definitely showed his heart and soul in the fight as well and a rematch would be another one for the ages. While I had planned to party it up after the fight, I felt a sense of euphoria and just wanted to converse with other fight fans about this game we love so much. Boxing is a sport that is unmatched by no other, not the super bowl, world series, or the NBA finals can captivate an audience like Morales and Pacquiao did last weekend. Hopefully we'll see another classic in the summer or fall. Do I hear Morales fighting the winner of Castillo-Corrales.???

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