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Winky Whips Frustrated Felix

Jim Amato - 5/15/2005

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Winky Wright made it look easy and in the end it was all quite boring. The only thing that held my interest was waiting for Felix Trinidad to land the punch that would pull out a victory. That blow never landed. Instead Winky's jab landed with almost sickening regularity. He shut down the vaunted offense of Trinidad and hammered out a one sided decision victory.

The scores reflected how dominant Winky was. They were 120-107 and two cards with 119-108.

I had picked Tito. How wrong I was. I knew Winky would be troublesome but I felt he lacked the power to hold Trinidad off. What Winky Wright did was put on a boxing clinic.

I remember when Wright was going to meet Sugar Shane Mosley. I respected Winky but I did not feel he was in the same class as Shane. Wrong again ! Winky dominated Shane and then beat him again in a return match.

What I'm trying to say here is that Winky is the real thing and it will be very interesting to see him pitted against the winner of Bernard Hopkins and Jermaine Taylor.

As for Tito. Well I think he should continue to box. This was just a poor style match up for him. There are quality boxers out there that Trinidad would fare well against and there are money matches to be made. I am curious to see what the future holds for Tito if he decides to box on.

Zab Zaps Cosme Rivera ; Grigsby's A Champ Again

Zab Judah may have been looking ahead to a possible match with Oscar De La Hoya in September but he sure took care of business last night. In one of his best career performances Zab destroyed Cosme Rivera in the third round.

Although Rivera came in with a high ranking, it was not the consensus that he would dethrone Zab. It was the way Judah won that was impressive. Zab had Cosme down twice in the first and when he dropped Cosme again in third, referee Joe Cortez had seen enough. The time was 2:11.

Will Grigsby a 35 year old former champion from Minnesota scored a mild upset when outscored Victor Burgos to capture the I.B.F.Junior Flyweight crown. The scores were 117-111, 116-112 and 118-110. Grigsby is now 18-2-1 with 7 kayos while Burgos drops to 37-14-3.

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